Virtual Appointments

Schedule your Virtual Appointment today!

Are you looking to solve a plumbing situation the safe way? Then our Virtual Appointments are for you!

We now offer virtual appointments where you can consult with one of our experienced technicians, Using Zoom, Google Meet or FaceTime. You can show the technician the situation and get valuable feedback. If needed an estimate will be provided free of charge.

How it works.

The fee is $99.99 plus tax for a half hour window.

Virtual appointment is made through Zoom, Google Meet or FaceTime.

A certified plumber/gas fitter will be joining you on the video call.

You will need to make sure there’s sufficient lighting in the areas you will be showing us.

If determined that repairs are needed, an estimate will be provided via email.

If you decided to go ahead work with the work 360 Drain Check the cost of the virtual appointment will be credited to your total repair bill.